Shipping and Returns

How long does my order take to ship?

Since our products are made to order, the time they take to ship will vary, but is usually about two weeks. If you need your item in a specific time frame, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re happy to do our best to oblige!

**Important Note: Things can happen in transit. We highly recommend you purchase a month in advance so we are able to rectify any damage that may occur due to the shipping process.

Do you offer international shipping? 

Yes we do! Please contact us for more information about overseas shipping.

Our cancellation/return policy

Since we’re a small business with made-to-order products, all orders are eligible to cancel within 3 days of purchasing (including weekends). After 3 days, canceling order will be deducted 20% total value of order as convenience fee.

*We are sorry for the inconvenience but this policy is to protect our small business from a few similar situations that have happened before, when we got requested to cancel orders on last minute, right before shipping time.

Orders arrived damaged are eligible for free replace/refund. With oversized items like playstands and dollhouses, due to difficulty in handling and higher risk of getting damaged in transportation (especially during holidays season), please allow us to provide replacements. In case replacements don’t work out or damages are beyond repair, full refund will be issued. Your understanding will be greatly appreciated!

If you changed your mind after receiving order and wanted to return for a refund, please return the items to us with your own cost. Return items must be shipped within 3 business days after receiving. The refund will be deducted the original shipping cost (except if you paid for shipping separately) and 20% value of total order as restocking fee. Refund will only be issued after we receive the items in their original package and original condition.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at We usually reply within 24hrs. If you don’t hear from us, please make sure to check your Spam or send us another email!